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Auto parts company is looking for suppliers

BOS Automotive Products requires inputs for its North American operations

< The auto parts company trusts in the quality and competitive advantages gained by having suppliers close to their operational sites, which is why they are seeking inputs in Mexico. >

With the primary objective of becoming more efficient and ensuring speed and quality in the delivery of their inputs, BOS Automotive Products requires national inputs for its plants located in Guanajuato and Michigan.

José Mejía, a buyer for the automotive company, indicated that they continue to import a significant percentage of inputs from Asia and Europe; however, the goal is to localize more supply in North America. "We are looking for local suppliers, mainly due to logistical considerations. Having our suppliers closer makes us more efficient in communication and delivery times," said the buyer from BOS Automotive Products.

It should be noted that currently, the company is seeking suppliers of aluminum extrusion parts and tubing, among others.

To be part of the automotive company's supply chain, suppliers must be certified in ISO 9001:2015. "IATF 16949 is not mandatory, but it is a plus for suppliers," said Mejía, emphasizing that the company also greatly values suppliers offering excellent after-sales service. "We seek long-term relationships, and for that, we require suppliers with excellent customer service, great quality, and competitive prices," he commented. He added that suppliers developed in Mexico have the possibility of meeting the requirements for both the Mexican and US plants. "We make purchases throughout North America and are looking to localize suppliers for our two plants," he said.

» José Mejía, Buyer at BOS Automotive Products.


BOS Automotive has a plant in Michigan, USA, as well as one in Irapuato, Mexico. From this latter site, the company manufactures sunroofs, armrests, window blinds, and trunk blinds.

al 20 Junio 2024
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