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Automotive Sector Inputs Needed

MMM México Trusts in Supplier Development

< The company dedicated to the production of various types of piping relies on national suppliers to enhance its production efficiency. >

For MMM México, national sourcing is very important, as it represents an opportunity to reduce logistical costs by avoiding imports and allows the company to be more productive.

"By working with national suppliers, we become more efficient in deliveries, and we also help boost commerce in Mexico," said Andrés Hernández, Purchasing Manager of Grupo MMM Américas. Currently, an estimated 35% of the company's inputs are still imported, while 65% are now sourced nationally.

"We are looking to attract more national suppliers and achieve 90% national inputs within a year and a half to two years," he explained. For MMM México, the best supplier is one that meets quality standards, delivers on time, and offers competitive costs.

"For us, the ideal supplier is one that meets all our requirements for the parts and adheres to our delivery times, which are demanding and short," commented Hernández.

» Andrés Hernández, Purchasing Manager of Grupo MMM México.

To be part of the company's supply chain, suppliers must have the IATF 16949 certification and comply with governmental regulations.

When the company contacts a supplier, the evaluation process begins."First, we check if it's a stable business capable of offering the commodity we require. Then we share drawings and start negotiations," explained Hernández, adding that the company also conducts a financial analysis of the supplier and assesses its capabilities before making a formal nomination.

Operations in Mexico

MMM is a company with over 75 years of experience in designing and manufacturing fluid conduction systems for the automotive industry. In Mexico, the company has a plant located in Puerto Interior, Guanajuato. From here, the company manufactures piping primarily for automotive engines.

al 08 Septiembre 2024
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