
CDMX and EDOMEX will attract at least 12 billion dollars

The entities join forces to strengthen the automotive sector.

With the main objective of attracting investments of at least 12 billion dollars in the automotive sector, the Automotive Cluster of the State of Mexico and the Secretariat of Economic Development announced that they will work as a team starting today and for the next five years. The project consists of bringing together both regions in a single organization, meaning that both the State of Mexico and the Mexican capital will be strengthened through a nearshoring scheme.

At a press conference held in Mexico City, the leaders commented that this plan has been worked on in alliance for several months. This will allow Clautedomex to expand its presence in Mexico City and become the most important business HUB for the automotive industry.

The Secretary of Economic Development, Fadlala Akabani Hneide stated that the strategy known as nearshoring found a fertile space in Mexico City and the surrounding area, where the automotive sector is one of the most important due to its size.

"We have more than 22 thousand square kilometers of extension that comprise borders with eight states, where large factories can be installed. The City will receive corporations in four main corridors: Reforma, Santa Fe, Insurgentes and Chapultepec Avenue," added the head of the City.

» Elisa Crespo indicated the importance of giving visibility to the region facing the nearshoring phenomenon.

He also mentioned that the Central region is one of the most important in the country, in recent years CDMX has been the entity with the highest foreign direct investment, while the State of Mexico is in third place.

On the other hand, he pointed out that Sedeco will be the agency in charge of receiving interested companies, while Clautedomex will be the body that will link corporations with supply chains, industrial parks and related sectors, with the purpose of promoting the arrival of foreign investment, generating jobs and welfare.

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