Se buscan proveedores

Diehl Controls is looking for cooperative suppliers

The electronics company is relying on the capabilities of Mexican companies.

< La empresa de la industria de electrodomésticos está en busca de proveedores nacionales. >

With the intention of leveraging the benefits offered by local proximity, Diehl Controls, located in Querétaro, faces the challenge of localizing inputs within Mexico during 2024.

"We face significant challenges due to upcoming new technologies, developments, and products. It's very interesting to localize many parts, both from Europe and China. This poses a major challenge, especially with the recent tariffs imposed by the Mexican government to protect Mexican suppliers," said Moisés Mendoza, Supplier Development Engineer.

Currently, Diehl Controls is seeking suppliers of decorated plastic injection, painting, stamping, harnesses, among other products. The minimum requirement to supply this company, dedicated to developing and producing electronic boards for household appliances, is ISO 9000:2015 certification, with IATF certification being a plus. "Additionally, having aerospace certification is another advantage. It's not critical, but it does carry weight," affirmed Mendoza, who noted that in 2023, there were some issues regarding supplier quality, though he anticipates improvements in 2024.

The Supplier Development Engineer mentioned that his department successfully developed five companies in 2023.

» Mauricio Moreno, Purchasing Manager at Diehl Controls, and Moisés Mendoza, Supplier Development Engineer at Diehl Controls.

How do they choose their suppliers?

Mendoza emphasized that to integrate into the German company's supply chain, certifications are reviewed first, followed by an audit, quotation request, and finally, supplier evaluation to determine suitability for Diehl Controls. "Price and quality go hand in hand, but beyond that, my tip to all suppliers is customer service, which is paramount. Always maintain a 24/7 contact," he commented. He indicated that they are seeking cooperative suppliers who propose optimizations for their products.

Finally, Mauricio Moreno, Purchasing Manager at Diehl Controls, disclosed plans to establish an aviation sister plant in Querétaro, prompting subsequent supplier searches with aviation certifications. "The plan is to start production next year for the Canadian and US markets. We will assist in sourcing suppliers for the aviation sector... We have already sent them some recommendations based on what we have in the Bajío region," he highlighted.

Household Enterprises

Company Diehl Controls is a global leader in the household appliances and HVAC/R industries, specializing in the development, industrialization, and high-tech production of electronic systems. They develop and produce scalable electronic systems. Millions of their electronic products are shipped worldwide for use in heat pumps, washing machines, and other household appliances.

al 20 Junio 2024
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