
Fronius Mexico expands

The company announces its new location in Chihuahua.

< With the upcoming opening of its new facility in Chihuahua in June 2024, Fronius Mexico and its three business units continue to increase their presence in the Mexican republic. >

Since its start of operations in Mexico almost 18 years ago, Fronius Mexico's business development has been steadily increasing. With locations in Valle de México, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, in addition to its headquarters in Monterrey, the deployment of its commercial activities has taken them to the north of the country, specifically to Chihuahua, four years ago, in order to serve the growing number of customers in the region.

"The project for a more robust infrastructure in Chihuahua came about a couple of years ago, based on our growth and, in particular, the needs of our customers. They increasingly required our technical support, training from our team of experts or demonstrations of our solutions. That's why we saw it as a strategic necessity to invest in a space that would allow us to offer everything our customers require from us," said Fidel Guajardo, Managing Director of Fronius Mexico.

The opening date of the company's next headquarters will be 7 June, where attendees will be able to see first-hand the products and solutions of Fronius Mexico's three business units, as well as talk to experts and see the facilities.

"Thanks to the great performance of our team, we already have customers in the area of our three units. We cover the logistics sector, particularly retail, with our loading solutions for electric forklifts, and in the case of Perfect Welding, our welding unit, we have very important projects and customers who will now be able to have a fully equipped welding laboratory very close to them. And of course, in the case of the solar industry, Chihuahua and the entire northern part of the country represent a fundamental market. Now our partners and distributors such as Baywa .r.e, Krannich and Solar Center will be able to have a point of contact in the area for events and of course, a team available and close to assist them," added Guajardo.

» The inauguration of Fronius Mexico in Chihuahua will take place on Friday, 7 June this year, at 15:00 hours.

The inauguration of Fronius Mexico will take place on Friday 7 June this year at 15:00. If you would like to attend the event, you can register free of charge via the following link:


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