
NTT DATA opens headquarters in Guanajuato

The company plans to increase its presence in the automotive sector.

< The Japanese company is betting on the growth of the automotive sector and opens new facilities in Guanajuato to offer Internet of Things, Blockchain and EPR services. >

The company, focused on offering Internet of Things and EPR business solutions, aims to drive digital transformation in Guanajuato.

To this end, the company NTT DATA is opening an office with which it intends to increase its presence in the automotive sector.

The company will specialize in offering business solutions such as the Internet of Things, Blockchain and EPR (Enterprise Resource Planning) that will contribute to the transformation of organizations and the revolution of industries.

The governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, attended as a special guest and said that in Guanajuato there is a future, with a young population that is aiming for cutting-edge challenges and precisely this is a space that generates wealth, through knowledge, and is a big step from manufacturing to mindfacturing.

» Executives and government representatives during the tour of the new facilities.

"NTT DATA comes to the right place, it is a strategic point and for young people it is an incentive and we are here to support them; we will continue working together to make Guanajuato a beacon of light in terms of economic development in the country," said the state president, highlighting that the NTT DATA headquarters represents a great opportunity to work.

Specialised company

NTT Group is a company of Japanese origin and is the fourth largest telecommunications company in the world, offering services ranging from strategic consulting to cutting-edge technologies. This company was visited by the Governor during the investment attraction tour in Asia last March; the project of NTT DATA Mexico is called León-Application Development Centre.

NTT DATA started operations in León in October 2020, and to date has 725 employees in this city with the possibility of reaching up to 2,000.

In Mexico, the company serves the banking, telecommunications and healthcare sectors, and has 4,000 professionals in the country. In Latin America, it employs 20,000 people.

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