
Querétaro: aerospace investment destination

During the Paris Air Show, the arrival of six companies in the state took place.

< There are 80 aerospace companies, which are located in this entity and in some cases, who announced new investments. >

During a tour at the Paris Air Show, six investments with a total amount of 2.2 billion pesos and the generation of 1,950 new direct jobs for Queretaro, were finalized.

The governor of the state, Mauricio Kuri, who attended this fair with a delegation, commented that: "Querétaro is on the right path in the aerospace industry". He highlighted that the new investment announcements consider 1.6 billion pesos and 800 jobs with Safran's seventh plant in Querétaro and the expansion of two more. As well as the expansion of Delastek's operations, which will triple its production capacity in aircraft cabins and instrument panels.

He explained that during his work tour in France he was able to learn about the current demands of the aeronautical industry and success stories of professionals from Querétaro who occupy management positions in companies in the sector.

The state Secretary of Sustainable Development, Marco del Prete, informed that there are around 80 companies and support units in the aerospace sector, which are grouped into assemblers, suppliers, maintenance workshops, general services, research centers and academic institutions.

» At the Paris Air Show in France, the governor, Mauricio Kuri González, participated in the inauguration of the Mexican Pavilion of the Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (FEMIA).

It is estimated that, together, these companies generate more than 10,000 jobs.

The head of Sedesu mentioned that the new investments also contemplate a 30 percent increase in the production capacity and number of jobs at ITP Aero.


On the other hand, the expansion of General Electric Aerospace (GE) in collaboration with the Aeronautical University in Querétaro (UNAQ), the doubling of Albany International's facilities; as well as the operational increase through new Airbus production packages.

"All of these investment announcements include a supplier development component. It does us no good to bring in a company if it has no one to supply it. We will be working with all of them to develop a supplier development mechanism," he concluded.

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