Se buscan proveedores

Seohan Auto Mexico seeks suppliers

The company requires machining and cast iron, among others.

< Auto parts Korean company seeks domestic raw material sourcing options. >

Soojung Kim, buyer of Seohan Auto Mexico, considered that the national supply is growing and developing, so it is looking for companies that offer a good price and quality.

"They are growing a lot, many foreign companies are arriving, they already have their strength, their capabilities, skills and the synergy of foreign investment," she said.

He explained that the company is dedicated to machining and assembling the braking system for vehicles in Nuevo León; and with this reference it is looking for suppliers of cast iron and also suppliers of machining parts.

"Our main raw material is cast iron, mainly as a buyer I need to look for more supplier options. We are looking for someone who can also do the machining of the part itself, we do have the whole machining process, but we are looking at maybe in the future we need to machine that part," he said.

Kim estimated that more than half of Seohan Auto Mexico's supply is national because there are several parts that are imported from Korea for reasons of time, quality or quantity required.

For domestic suppliers interested in supplying Seohan Auto Mexico, it is necessary for them to have IATF or ISO 9000 certification, as these are essential to join the automotive sector. The purchasing specialist emphasized that they are looking for joint support, as well as professional relationships and to avoid losses due to quality defects.

On the other hand, they take into account that when a problem arises, it should be solved and there should be effective follow-up or customer service. As well as a continuous improvement in the processes.

Choosing the supplier

The process to become part of the company's supply chain starts with an approach to find out the supplier's capabilities and if they match Seohan Auto Mexico's requirements, a follow-up is given. As a final part of the interview, he mentioned that during 2024 one of the main objectives of the company's purchasing department is to look for supply options.

al 21 Junio 2024
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