
Teklas Automotive Expands in Aguascalientes

The company will create 300 new jobs

< The automotive parts manufacturer continues to leverage the competitive advantages of Aguascalientes, expanding its presence in the region. >

Aguascalientes continues to stand out in the country for attracting new investments, in this case, an expansion. Teklas Automotive México announces the expansion of its plant in the region, which will create 300 new jobs.

The Turkish company invested $8 million to further grow in the automotive sector. With this expansion, the plastic and metal automotive parts manufacturer aims to capitalize on the competitive advantages of both the state and the country.

Ilyas Bayraktar, General Director of Teklas Automotive, thanked the government of Aguascalientes for its support in realizing this expansion project. After five years of establishing operations in Aguascalientes, the company decided to expand its facilities. “The state offers competitive advantages, such as its geographic location and the dynamism of the automotive industry,” emphasized Bayraktar.

Governor Tere Jiménez of Aguascalientes remarked that the state shares Teklas’ values of commitment, integrity, hard work, innovation, and long-term vision for advancing this project and future investments. She highlighted that with leadership in education and security, the success of investments in the state is assured, positioning Aguascalientes as the logistical heart of America.

» Company executives and Aguascalientes Governor Tere Jiménez during the investment announcement.

She also noted that the arrival of new companies has led Aguascalientes to be the top performer in attracting Foreign Direct Investment related to nearshoring. “Additionally, it is one of the two states with the highest economic growth, at 6.9 percent, exceeding the annual target of 4.5 percent and the national average of 1.9 percent. By the fourth quarter of 2023, the state’s annual growth rate was five times higher than the national rate,” she said.

Automotive Parts Company

Teklas is focused on the production of plastic, rubber, and metal automotive parts. The company arrived in Aguascalientes five years ago and continues to invest to strengthen its presence in the Mexican automotive sector.

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