
VW produces 14 million vehicles

The carmaker breaks production record in the country.

< Volkswagen Mexico strengthens its position as a key player in the Volkswagen brand strategy in this relevant market segment. >

The carmaker Volkswagen de México has set a new production milestone with 14 million vehicles produced. With this, the company with operational headquarters in Puebla marks an important advance in a competitive industry in which they maintain their vision of innovation, quality and efficiency in their production processes.

It should be noted that the model which set this record was the Volkswagen Taos.

"We are very proud to reach this new milestone in a challenging automotive industry. 14 million vehicles made by Mexican hands is a reflection of our position as a world-class manufacturing center.

Our priority has been to maintain excellence in all our operations, as we are committed to the customer's satisfaction," said Holger Nestler, president and CEO of Volkswagen México. Thomas Jakobler, VP Production and Logistics at Volkswagen México, said they are in for a double celebration.

» Volkswagen breaks production record with the Taos model.

"We are very proud to write a new chapter in the history of Volkswagen México with the production of the 14 millionth vehicle; we are also thrilled that Volkswagen Taos is the protagonist of this record; an exceptional SUV that is distinguished by its design, efficiency and safety, and that reflects the relevance of our factory in the strategy of the Volkswagen brand worldwide for this segment," said Jakobler.

With this celebration, Volkswagen de México reaffirms its commitment to maintain a stable and robust production, as well as to continue offering its customers in the domestic and export markets products made with high quality standards.

Growth in production

In October 2020, production of the Volkswagen Taos began in Segment Three at Volkswagen de México's Puebla plant. This segment has the four main processes for manufacturing a vehicle: stamping, bodywork, painting and assembly. To date, more than 200,000 units of this model have been manufactured.

According to information published by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), in the first three months of 2024, Volkswagen Taos reported a significant increase in its manufacturing, after producing 30,017 vehicles; that is, 67.2 percent more than in the same period of 2023.

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