
Yura invests in Durango

The company will create around 900 jobs in its first stage.

< From its new headquarters, the Korean company will be producing harnesses, high-voltage connectors and electrical components. >

With an investment of 80 million pesos, the Korean company Yura Corporation inaugurated its new manufacturing plant in Lerdo, Durango, which will be dedicated to the production of harnesses, high voltage connectors and electrical components.

This new factory promises to boost the local economy with the creation of 900 jobs, of which 500 are already working in the first stage of the manufacturing plant.

The project that is now a reality is the result of several talks and meetings between the government of Durango and the company since March of this year. Governor Esteban Villegas Villarreal announced that he will meet with the owner of Tier 1 to explore the possibility of expanding its operations in different parts of the state.

"We agreed to change the face of La Laguna in the industrial sector and here is the real sample, and 500 of the first 900 employees are already working in Lerdo, so there are many more surprises to come. The mayor said during the inauguration.

» Representatives of the South Korean company Yura Corporation, as well as local and state authorities, were present during the ribbon cutting ceremony.

He also added that as a government they have to provide the facilities and make the necessary arrangements so that large companies can set up in the different municipalities of the state and can change the economic lives of the families of Durango.

"We have 31 investments throughout the state, which will generate 26,000 direct jobs; the Comarca Lagunera and the state are going to do very well, we are going to change their course," he said.

Plans for growth

For his part, the director of Yura Corporation, Dong Hoon Min, expressed his gratitude for the support provided by the state and municipal governments, and highlighted the growth that the company has experienced in the area. Against this backdrop, the construction of two or three additional manufacturing plants in La Laguna is planned.

"Here Yura is growing, we are a company that works with KIA in Mexico and the growth is going to be faster every year, we started in Mapimí and now in Lerdo, so if everything continues to progress we will have to build two or three more manufacturing plants and we will try to do the best for our employees and customers," said the head of the company.

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