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Zanini aims to increase its national inputs

The company is committed to develop suppliers in Mexico

< The company, focused on the production of automotive components with an industrial plant in Querétaro, plans to increase its percentage of local sourcing. >

In response to requests from some clients who require the replacement of Chinese suppliers with those from the Americas, Zanini Auto Group is actively seeking suppliers in Mexico.

“Our clients are asking us to concentrate our sourcing within the Americas region, and this presents an opportunity to boost the market in Mexico,” said Dagoberto Castillo, Commodity Buyer at Zanini Auto Group.

Currently, 80% of the company’s inputs are sourced internationally, with only 20% coming from Mexico, which is why they aim to increase this percentage. The company is now seeking components for its plant in Querétaro.

“We are looking for wire forms, stamped parts, and labels, among others,” said Castillo, who emphasized that trust in their business partners is crucial for the company. “For us, the trust between both parties is of utmost importance,” he added.

» Dagoberto Castillo, Commodity Buyer at Zanini Auto Group.

The purchasing expert also indicated that the company is highly interested in working with suppliers who can offer quality, meet specifications, and provide competitive pricing.

“Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to have everything, but what is paramount is quality and reliability in the supplier,” said Castillo, adding that from the outset of the commercial relationship, they expect the supplier to be upfront about their ability to meet the requirements, and if they agree, to be committed to the agreed timelines, quality, and suggested pricing.

To become part of the automotive company’s supply chain, suppliers must have ISO 9001:2015 certification and, if possible, ISO TS 16949.

Automotive Operation

Zanini Auto Group is a multinational company of Spanish origin with plants in Tennessee, United States; Mexico; and Brazil, in the Americas region.

In Mexico, the company operates a plant located in the FINSA Industrial Park in Bernardo Quintana, Querétaro, where they manufacture wheel trims, commonly known as hubcaps.

“In this plant, we handle injection molding, painting, and the rear retention system, as well as components such as vehicle brand logos,” Castillo explained.

Supplier Selection

After the purchasing departments establish contact with a supplier, a confidentiality agreement is sent to share the specific requirements they are looking to source in Mexico. The supplier is then asked to submit a quotation so that parts, materials, and costs can be evaluated.

“We assess whether the supplier meets our criteria, and after conducting a tender process with three suppliers, we select the one that fulfills our standards for quality, pricing, and delivery times,” he said, adding that they require suppliers to offer added value such as on-site installation, safety stock, and other aspects that enhance operational efficiency.

al 08 Septiembre 2024
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