ZF Group will expand its operations in Querétaro
The company specializing in vehicle electrification continues its commitment to Mexico.
The German company will invest more than 222 million pesos to expand its operations in Querétaro, with the incorporation of the first line of steering by wire with steering wheel actuators.
The investment project consists of integrating electronics into steering to make it more accurate and safer for passenger and commercial vehicle steering.
ZF Group Vice President of Steerling Product Line Operations, Andreas Temmen, emphasized that the state will be a global pioneer in the development of this technology.
He said that with this investment, 100 new jobs are expected to be created, which will help the company to have more customers in the same line; this will guarantee solid growth at the Querétaro plant.
Temmen reported that by the end of this year, a new production start-up is planned, also with new technology from the state, to serve the North American market.
He explained that the German company is driving next-generation mobility, consolidating its position as the main supplier that supplies, above all, automobile manufacturers and emerging companies in the field of transport and mobility.
About the company
ZF electrifies vehicles in a wide variety of categories and with its products contribute to reducing emissions, protecting the environment and making mobility safer.
The German firm has had a presence in Mexico since 1965 and acquired its first plant in El Salto, Jalisco, in 2001.
It currently has 16 factories in Mexico and employs more than 25,000 people to manufacture automotive products such as airbags, seat belts, steering wheels, brakes, electric suspension, shock absorbers, steering and suspension, among others.
The firm has three locations in the state: in the Querétaro Industrial Park it manufactures brake safety systems; in the Parque Tecnológico Innovación Querétaro it develops brake systems; and in the Bernardo Quintana Industrial Park it manufactures steering systems.