< Aguascalientes will receive future investments from Asian companies, who see great potential in the state. >
Five Asian companies from the automotive sector have signed letters with the intetnion of investing in the state of Aguascalientes in the near future.

It is estimated that the investment commitment is around 4 billion pesos, for the establishment of new companies and the expansion of others that already have operations in the state.

This came after officials from the government of Aguascalientes toured Asia. Tere Jiménez, governor of Aguascalientes, said that during the trip she received letters of intent from FengMei,
Foresight, Huazhong, NBHX and ShiLanmu, companies dedicated to the automotive industry. "These are short- and medium-term plans, so they will be released gradually," she said.
The state governor added that this is a clear sign of the confidence that foreign businessmen have in Aguascalientes.

Executives of Asian companies and the state governor during the signing of the investment intention.
» Executives of Asian companies and the state governor during the signing of the investment intention.
"They recognise the security and climate of peace that prevails in our state, they know all the competitive advantages we offer them," she said.

He commented that as part of the work agenda that he developed in Asian countries, he participated in 23 different meetings, not only with businessmen, but also with diplomats, directors of financial institutions and representatives of economic cooperation agencies, among others.

Electromobility and clean energy

It is estimated that, during the meetings with the various companies in Asia, the topics discussed revolved around the transition to electromobility and clean energy.

4,000 million pesos
"We have to be prepared to face the change from combustion to electric vehicles; we need training, technology, financing and, above all, the experience of Asian companies that are already working with this scheme," he concluded.